



When it comes to raising funds, it’s important to offer a great product at a great price. We will create a custom designed decal for each group you have, or you can even submit your own. We provide you with instructions, as well as detailed pricing and profit information. Our spirit decals are perfect for school groups, honor students, teams, clubs, churches, dance classes, bands and more! Don’t forget to ask us about our banners, yard signs, locker stickers, helmet decals, or even parking passes. We're committed to helping you show your spirit and making your fundraiser a success. Give us a call at 888-717-1704 or email us at for more information and we'll get started today.



Download Your Spirit By Sweetums Information Packet Below

Spirit By Sweetums Intro Letter.pdf

Spirit By Sweetums Decal Pricing.pdf

Spirit By Sweetums Fundraising Profit Chart.pdf

Spirit By Sweetums Fundraising FAQ.pdf

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